BBA Math News & Announcements
The Knowles Teaching Fellowship is designed to support early-career biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics teachers in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom. Over the course of the five-year Fellowship, Knowles Teaching Fellows receive access to a wide range of benefits, including more than $50,000 in financial support, coaching and mentoring from experienced teachers and teacher educators, and membership in a national community of more than 450 math and science educators. The Knowles Teacher Initiative is currently recruiting applicants for the 2023 Fellowship. For more information, contact Ayanna Perry at

This fall, members of the Benjamin Banneker Association have been leading dynamic webinars as part of the Equity in Education Webinar series!
Click here to view past webinars or register for an upcoming webinar, and visit our BBA Media page for additional media content.
In the following pieces, “Remix” written by Chet Baker, and “The Silent Majority”, written by BBA Past President, Jacqueline Leonard, we invite you to reflect upon how the violence against Black people has affected so many. We invite you to think about how the weight of these experiences – this ongoing trauma – affects every aspect of our society; particularly our schools. We welcome your comments.
Remix of I, Too, Sing America
Langston Hughes, circa 1925
I too, sing America
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes …
When you suffer in silence.
They still kill you, but it allows them to proclaim to the world that you somehow “deserved” your fate.
I rarely share my thoughts and perspective when it comes to matters of race. I grew up in a middle class Southern family with three siblings, and two very supportive and doting parents.
I had opportunities that were afforded to me through a combination of upbringing, social connections, faith, educational pursuits, travel, employment, and the grace of God. I am the benefit of many silent prayers of people who may have never even knew me.
My ancestors would often pray for a person’s children’s childen’s children.
Some would say I live a charmed life. My white counterparts would say that I was “special” or “different” or not like those others (… like that would be perceived as a compliment). Some of my black friends would deem me as being “lucky” or acting / speaking / thinking like white folks.
The truth is that all of these characterizations are incorrect.
My life has neither been charmed nor special nor lucky … the great sin of the American dominant culture is that they will never be able to see pass skin color to unearth the priceless content of a person’s character. But, thank God that talent isn’t limited to certain zip codes or human hues. Roses can occasionally still grow in the mist of concrete …
I like countless others, have learned to master the concept of wearing the public mask.
After enduring an infinite number of social and cultural “slights” … small cuts to the soul; we still hold our hands over our hearts to pledge allegiance to the flag of a country that has no allegiance to us. So … “we laugh, eat well … and grow strong” (Langston Hughes, I too sing America).
We have been conditioned to thrive, succeed, and remain “hopefully” in spite of the daily messages that OUR country sends to us. We lived through the killing of Martin, Malcolm, and Medgar … through the multiple public disrespects to our best and brightest (Barack and Michelle Obama, et al) … through the ritualistic public killings of black bodies at the hands of those who were sworn to protect and serve. From Emmett Till to George Floyd this soil has been stained with the blood of our slaughtered.
Stony the Road that we trod as we offer up yet another public sacrifice, and once again America merely shrugs.
America wants our Rhythm, but doesn’t want our Blues … they can cheer for Michael (Jackson, Jordan, Tyson …) but can’t respect Colin (Kaepernick) or Muhammad (Ali). They ask our young people to be more like MLK (who they also killed), or Mandela (who they locked up), and not to Loot.
But, America has a long rich history of rioting (Boston Tea Party), pillaging (Native Americans), and looting (the taking of black bodies from Mother Africa).
So, should we all just be silent, and march orderly on the new Trail of Tears?
My people have worked and toiled this American soil for over 400 years … with the American Dream nowhere in sight and hope unborn has yet again died.
Langston Hughes also pondered about “Dreams deferred” … “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun, or does it explode”?
Chet A Baker, Louisville Kentucky
Former Project SEED Specialist
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